Burn-In with Preowned Transparent Speaker Cables?

Hi, a question about your experiences with preowned cables ...

I just acquired a pair of Transparent Gen 5 Super speaker cables, pre-owned.  I do not know the hours of usage, but they came out of recent use in another owner's system.  I am using them to replace a pair of Kimber 8TC I have used for years on various speaker systems.  After a few hours use, I hear the Transparents as being big, bold, and dynamic, with stronger bass, and a nice ability to place individual instruments very distinctly across the image.  But I also hear them as being significantly less musical, fairly uneven in perceived frequency response (no measurements here), and not having a really smooth spatial image.  I am fairly stunned, because they are generally not smooth and somewhat hard to listen to.

So my question is this ... should I expect that Transparent cables require a significant breaking period to even out their sound?  Are these common break-in characteristics for these cables, even though previously used?  Any other ideas?

The cables are being used with a Burmester 911 amp and Wilson Sasha 2 speakers.  I have verified cable hookup polarity and direction.

Thank you sharing your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by docknow

It has been said that cables need time to re-break-in after you move them when they are already installed.  I personally would not make any firm judgements without a week of playing music through them (you don't have to be listening).  You might consider call Transparent and seeing what they say.  I find them quite willing to talk on the phone.

Alternatively, you could try the advice of @raysmtb1, especially if you have a flyswatter :)