"Burn in" Are you serious?

Tell me. How are you able to compare the "burned in" state to the original? Or is it simply a matter of acclimation nurtured by wishful thinking?

Showing 1 response by kthomas

Brulee - my question would then be, have you given up any interest in determining the reason for burn-in? I'm not being critical if you have given up any interest in examining the technical possibilities behind what you've experienced and attributed to burn-in, but it would confirm the point several have made that this discussion is pointless since it has no possibility for resolution. The parallel reference to the existence of God suggests that point of view is that burn-in has to be taken solely on faith, since the cause of its effects can't be proven, but the effects have been experienced.

I'm guessing the Jostler3 HAS taken the time to do the comparison as we all have to when we buy a new component and, like many, did not hear an effect. This has been my experience as well. If I had heard major differences, I believe I would be very aware of them as I have made many changes to my system that caused changes, both profound and subtle, that I noticed. Every time I hear a change, I try to explain it to myself, and I'm sure I don't always identify the reasons correctly. That's why I like this type of board. In any case, my point is that I don't think anyone who heard a difference would attempt to deny the difference just to stick to making a point that a certain phenomena doesn't exist.