Burn a CD From an Album on the Bluesound Vault?

Has anyone successfully burned a CD from an album on their Bluesound the Vault? If yes, how did you do it?

I tried doing it on my Mac by right clicking on the album folder in the vault’s database’s “Music” folder. It did burn the CD but it was not playable. I also tried to import the same album into iTunes music so I could burn the CD from iTunes. But I failed to import it.

If anyone has done this successfully, or wants to give it a try, let me know.

Yes. It was a CD that I ripped originally.
What was interesting, when My Mac burned the CD from the faults music folder, it would not play; however, if I dragged one of the songs from that CD to the desktop, I was able to play it from the desktop.
Was this a CD you ripped yourself originally? Or a file you downloaded from someplace? If the file is hi-rez that could be your problem.