Burmester speaker or pre-amp or CDP

I currently have burmester 061 CDP, 051 integrated amp that I use as a pre amp, and 911 mk3.
I have just purchased burmester b50 speakers but haven't taken the delivery. I have recently made some money in the stock market. So I wondering if:

1. Cancel my purchase for b50 and buy the next one up the line, the B80 speakers or

2. Upgrade 051 or 061 to either a 089 CDP or 088 pre-amp?

Please let me know.

I have 061 and 051, and looking at a 911mk3. I would have upgraded to the 089 CDP which you can use as preamp as well as top of the line cd player; digital converter, analog input for your riaa and analog output for your 911mk3. Great mix and the last cd player you need to buy.

Cheeers, Toffen
I decided to get the B80 and also upgraded 051+061 with either 077 or 088 with build-in DAC.

Kinda regret getting the B80 since my listening room in HK is only 3.3meters x 6 meters. B80s are a bit big for my room