Buried treasures you've forgotten?

I recently purchased a small collection of vinyl and have been busy cleaning/listening/grading them. One of the albums was The Steve Miller Band "Number 5" and I checked to see if I already had it, which I did. It made me ask myself why I hadn't bothered to play any Steve Miller tunes for so many years and the answer hit me when I flipped to "The Joker". That album got so much air time for so many years that I was completely turned off to his other work. I pulled out "Brave New World" and "Your Saving Grace" and was reminded quickly of why I enjoyed his music so much long ago.

I pondered this for awhile and came to the conclusion that this type of thing has happened with a number of artists for one reason or another. I lost interest in The Eagles when "Hotel California" came out. "Tusk" ended my affection for Fleetwood Mac. "Lawyers In Love" destroyed my love for Jackson Browne.

Last nights listening session ended in the wee hours of the morning rediscovering many buried treasures in my vinyl library. I highly recommend the very early work by the above artists. The recordings may not be the best but the music is. Has anyone else had this phenomenon happen to them also? What artists were they and why did you stop listening?

Showing 1 response by marakanetz

Huh, The Beatles is now a burried treasure for me. I was driven by the ambitions and Zep...s turned me on much better than Beatles or Stones and since that time Beatles are the buried treasure for me. Zep...s someway can be also added to that category since I'm now most-driven by more sophisticated music but from time to time I'd recall my youth or in my wife's sentimental desire and play some "Revolver" or "Lady Jane"...
Still don't deny to admit that they're all crap:-)