Building your music digital music collection

Hello all, just looking for some pointers on how to go about building your own storage library of music which is better than digital streaming (tidal/qobuz). I guess it is the uncompressed wav files or maybe dsd where applicable. From what I understand Flac is compressed. 

I am doing just streaming now, but I think having offline collection and room might be useful. 


Showing 3 responses by mahler123

FLAC isn’t compressed.  So if a commercial service doesn’t fill all your needs then either rip CDs to a hard drive in FLAC or or spin silver discs.  If you are setup for DSD downloads that’s great but that is trickier 



I agree with most of your post, but having just Googled the definition of a computer file, you are mistaken there

I rip CDs daily.  I don't think that I am wasting my time.  It's the eye of the beholder (a Valentine Day sentiment to be sure).