Building a house

In the design phase and planning on a dedicated listening room. Any advice on its construction, lessons learned?

Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Professional room treatment begins with design. It is almost silly to give advice however because costs escalate so quickly. Just the advice to have plenty of outlets, which seems solid enough, but every hole in the wall is a sound portal you need to handle. It is not just an outlet, and everything is like that. The door is not just a door, it is a sound portal or acoustic surface. Windows? Gosh I hope you don't have windows but if you do- sound portal, acoustic treatment. On and on.

It will help to have some kind of budget, and realistic expectations. Also I know everyone says the room is so important, and it is. But never forget the room is really just one more component in a system in which every component matters. And quite honestly, they all matter about the same. Also if the room will be in a house, well then it is just another part of the house. No one even including Jay Leno would put a $5M garage on a $.5M home. Well Leno might. But no one else. And so as always, a sense of proportion will serve you well.