Budget/value SS power amp recommendation

Hello all would appreciate any recommendations for a budget solid state power amp for a lightly used 3rd system to pair with some tube preamps. Budget is less than $500. New, used , cosmetics irrelevant. Initial thoughts are the following but don’t know if they obtainable on this budget.  

brston 2b
older belles model
used AVA

Any thoughts or suggestions welcome. Would love to find a sleeper under the radar model or something discounted if it’s cosemticlaly challenged . Thanks

Showing 1 response by monsterman7

NAD, Parasound, Emotiva and Adcom all make good budget amps.  The Emotiva and Parasound are naturally a bit bright so choose your DAC's wisely.  The Tube Preamp will help with this as well.  The Adcom range is a bit more neutral in tone and has a big soundstage.   I have no personal experience with NAD.  
When picking a solid state amp try to find the one that weighs the most so you know it has the balls to back up the spec sheet.