Budget Tube Preamp ($2000)

Hello guys,
First post here!

I am in the market for a tube preamplifier for my current system, to add a bit of warmth. My budget is under $2000, the cheaper the better, Mainly looking at the used market (I love great deals). 
My build currently:
- Monitor Audio Silver 300 speakers
- Project Debut Carbon Turntable
- Marantz Cd5005 CD player
- Cambridge Audio Azur 851N
- Rotel RB 1582 Mkii Power Amp

If you guys have suggestions, I appreciate it a lot! For the inputs, if the preamp has XLR that would be great as I'm currently running my Azur 851N to my amp through a balanced connection and it sounds pretty good. This is not completely necessary though. 


the op states below that he already bought a schiit freya plus

it is a good unit, especially for the money

decent intro for him to tubes in his system 

let's wish him a fun time listening to it
@jjss49 Thank you!

to everyone still posting and discussing, I think all the information and options are great! definitely can come back and look at this thread if I ever want to delve further into my tube system later. 

I think that this thread can continue with suggestions for budget tube preamps as some other guy like me may need to get information in the future or even now!
Used Modwright LS-100 is just in your budget limit. Very good preamp considering price/quality ratio and availability for upgrades (Phono stage or DAC) Roll it with better tubes choice and you in Shangri-la. Currently two of them are at USAM one new and another one used in very good condition with tubes upgrade.