Budget preamp recommendation...besides Schiit.

What are some other budget friendly preamps besides Schiit, the king of budget electronics? With similar quality of build and sound, both solid state or tube options would be welcome. 




This site is frequented by mostly audiophiles. I don’t think I’ve ever read a post where people didn’t extoll the virtues of higher priced equipment, well beyond the OP’s budget.

Component synergy is key (i.e. matching components that compliment one another). You are not going to hear an appreciable difference by adding a $10,000 preamp to an $800 system because the rest of your system isn’t capable of resolving the details. That isn’t to say that an $800 system can’t give you an enjoyable musical experience.

You’ve been given lots of examples of preamps that fit your budget. The reality is that until you actually hook one up, you won’t know how it sounds in your system.

There are a lot of deals to be had in the used market. Audiophiles tend to always be upgrading their components (in their pursuit of audio nirvana). Keep your eyes open for deals that fit your budget.

And don’t forget to enjoy the music!

Nice conclusion @nordicnorm 


So many suggestions!

Did you overcome your indecision paralysis?? 

I'd like to (belatedly) second the Musical Paradise 701mk2 suggestion, with a caveat:

Since the tubes and capacitors can be easily swapped out, it can become a money pit!

I have rolled in V-cap ODAMS for a transparent presentation and Mundorf SGO supreme EVOs for more full bodied tonal saturation....and that's just the coupling caps! Power supply bypass caps are also tunable via screw terminals inside the preamp. Just takes a couple of minutes to swap out before powering up in the morning.

Perfect preamp for a tube afficianado to tune in EXACTLY the sound you want!

However, I'm eyeing the Ladder Bach as a balanced, neutral pre for the balanced outputs of my Denafrips DAC.... Hopefully to keep a reference point for my tube shenanigans. Also, having a preamp I can leave on for the weekend would be nice.

Does anyone have experience with the Ladder Bach?


Thanks everyone. I've decided to downsize and simplify, so I'm just going to use my system as is with the Rotel receiver.

If you are feeling adventurous, there is always the kit route: Akitika, Bottlehead, Elekit (Tube Depot) and others.

What do you consider a budget pre amp ? Check ARC, Conrad Johnson ,Rogue ,Parasound or Bryston. I enjoyed my Bryston BP 20 and My Conrad Johnson Premier 17.