Budget Phono preAmp

Hi All,

I am trying to make a small upgrade to my current system - for which Vinyl will be the most used source. My thinking is an affordable Phono PreAmp - but I’m trying to decide which one. I’m currently looking at either:
  • Rega Fono MM MK3
  • Moon 110LP v2
My current system is:
  • Dynaudio Special 40s
  • 30 year old Linn Axis Turntable with new Addikt MM cartridge
  • Marantz sr5014 A/V receiver
So right now it is all Moving Magnet and no need for Coil. Eventually the Linn will need to be replaced, and probably a later cartridge upgrade too, but by then I’ll have upgraded the receiver situation to either a nice integrated option or separates. Right now its most bang for the buck with a limited investment.

All thoughts warmly appreciated!

Showing 2 responses by tomic601

OP thanks for the added clarity and so cool about honoring memory with the Linn. I believe it can take you far. You have got a ton of good advice I understand wanting to make a positive and energizing change focused on vinyl.

pretty much all preamps listed, i have been fortunate to hear, owned a NOVA III. Super neutral fast, adaptable for growth into M should you climb that hill. The Chord i had in for evaluation as local dealer wanted evaluation of competiveness vs Nova ( he now carries both. For warmth and easy front  ( top edge really ) panel adjustment, it edges Nova ( i think there is a newer Nova now ) Lean to wanting warm = chord, Analytical but neutral Nova. Sutherland leans that way. Parks is fascinating and i have heard it sing, kinda depends how analog you want to be, but if it was covered by shoebox, bet it could fool a LOT of diehard analog freaks…..
I just can’t comment on the Moon, have not heard it. Buddy did buy a Van Alstine, new it hits your budget. Frank builds great gear !,,,
best to you
if you don’t know where you are going ( destination vs. incrementalism ), any road will get you there.

Without a doubt, the Mani represents incredible sonic value for $. as an aside, i believe all audiophiles should read the Schitt Book - Schitt Happened.

Aim higher as I believe your TT is capable of a lot, and speakers 2.

The Southerland as mentioned above certainly represents good value.
