Budget amp that will give Magnepan 3.6Rs better depth of soundstage

I have 3.6Rs and using Emotiva UMC200 pre/proc and an Outlaw Audio 7100 in a 14 by 14 foot room. So I don't need to turn the volume up to massive levels. The amp will do 100 watts per channel into 8 ohms and 165 watts per channel into 4 ohms. I have been thinking of getting a separate two channel amp for the 3.6Rs. I have read that it takes lots of current to get the best soundstage with instrument placement and depth. I am getting wide soundstage and good sound, but the depth is somewhat muddied enough to not get instrument placement. I am looking for a two channel amp that will give me more of the potential of the 3.6Rs, but be able to be purchased for less that $750 used.  Is there any amp that will be worth upgrading to for that kind of money or do I need a new pre/proc as well?


Showing 2 responses by ozzy62

Three things going on.

Room is too small for panel speakers.

You’ll likely not find an amp that has high current AND great sonics in your price range.

Magnepans are never going to have a deep soundstage. It’s the nature of the beast. They do what they do well, but aren’t all things to all men.

I say this as a former Maggie owner.


Many years ago I tried a Classe CA-200 on a pair of 3.5rs and I didn’t think it was a good match. I didn’t keep the amp long at all.