Budget Amp for Avalon Eidolon

I noticed here a few conversations already about Avalon Eidolon and best matching amp. It appeared Eidolon sounds best with CAT and Jadis. But I can't afford to buy Eidolon and recommended amp electronics.

Could you please let me know if you had a good experience with 'down to earth' amps with Avalon Eidolon.

My current system is

Meridian 508.24,ARC LS15 Preamp,ARC VT100 MkII, Proac2.5, interconnect(XLR)\speaker cable - NBS Master III, Svetlana valves.

I was considering
1) change only speakers
2) change ARC VT100 for more powerful Mcintosh (don't know which one yet. I found suggestion to bridge MC275 and get 150W per channel.
3)change ARC VT100 for Electrocompaniet AW120 ( Nice SS amp can produce 200W into 4oms)
4)change VT100 for Gamut D200 MkIII ?
5)change VT100 for Ayre V-1xe ?

What are your suggestions?

Please write only if you had an experience with Avalon Eidolon and 'down to earth amps' (under US$10000)

Showing 2 responses by trcnetmsncom

Hello Whitewind,

I'm sorry to hear that. The BAT 150se mono-block amps are very special to me and I wouldn't trade them for anything I've heard this far.

I've auditioned many of the top well respected amps both tube (hybrid, OTL's) and solid-state in my system and others and IMO the BAT's have more than held their own and in some cases have embarrassed the competiton.

Eavrll, I had run my Eidolons and now my Eidolon Diamonds with the BAT 150se and the 51se pre-amp and IMO it is a great combo that has taken on all competitors and stood up against the test of time bringing musical enjoyment to me on the highest level. At the going used price I think they are a steal!

Good luck in finding what makes you happy.

All the best,