Bryston ???

Is there something going on at Bryston? I have been trying to communicate with them for a week and received no contact. Called 5 times, emailed, and no response. It's in regard to a BP25 that I am pretty sure is under warranty. Bought from a Bryston dealer. I am not having warm and fuzzy feelings.
The sales gentleman for Bryston just emailed me back and copied 2 of their techs in on the conversation. He said they are really busy, and on the audio circle page James stated in a different recent post that they are having issues with sourcing parts like everyone else. I  can believe that. So hopefully all will be good eventually. Thanks to everyone, what a great resource you have been. Much appreciated!
So I was emailed by the service tech guys, they said they are slammed and like everyone in manufacturing experiencing parts shortages. I fully believe they are experiencing the shortages, which are causing backups. I can't blame them either if they are prioritizing new builds as cash flows are important too! North American manufacturing has gotten itself in a real pickle recently. We are super dependant on foreign sources of supply.
Thanks again everyone!
I spoke with the Bryston office a couple months back on two occasions and they were quite helpful. I’m sorry you’ve been having difficulties. I do strongly believe they continue to be a really excellent company and an asset to the audio community. As others have noted, James Tanner is a constant on the Audio Circle.
They repair my 9B Power Amp with warranty expired by 5 months for free. I call that Customer Service.
I am sending unit back tomorrow, under warranty. Once I was actually able to make contact everything has been very smooth. 
Thanks Everyone!