bryston warm up time

I bought a used Bryston amp about two months ago and noticed that it taked about 15 min to warm up. At first it sounds fuzzy and distorted. When it warms up it sounds as sweet as it should. I was wondering if this is normal or a sign that it should be looked at? The amp is from about the mid 90's

Thanks for your imput

Showing 1 response by ecclectique

Remember, when it's on it's wearing out. Really? I'd take bets on the rest of your gear wearing out long before your bryston. Odds are: there is a really good chance it will out last you as well. I have used Bryston amplifiers for more than 27 years. Ran them in hundreds of live gigs as well as pro DJ systems that were set up and running in halls,nightclubs and bars. I can also assure you they will sound considerably better after an hour of warm up. They were "THE" amplifier of choice in most pro-sound applications dating way back to the early 70's and still the amplifier of choice in many "big room" commercial applications in North America.They are the proverbial workhorse amplifier if there ever was one, and one of the most stable and durable amplifiers ever made.While I don't use a bryston amp in any of my rigs {I'm a tube guy}, I still have a 3b that is more than 27 years old,it's been used,ubused and kicked around forever.... and it's still doing daily duty in my sisters restaurant to this very day. Not once has it ever broken down, nor has it ever seen the bench in Bryston's service department for that matter. If your listening to your rig on a regular basis... leave it on and enjoy the music. PS: No...I don't work for bryston.