Bryston Vs Classe

Hi, Does anyone have direct experience with Bryston vs Classe? Specifically, this is about the new 4B-SST (300 W/ch) bryston vs the 300w/ch Classe ca301 or the 200 w/ch ca201. The speakers will be Dynaudio 3.3. Any thoughts are welcome.
Both Great products. Classe is truly balanced from input to output. Bryston is not. If your pre is truly balanced go Classe. If it is not, and you love the sound of the Bryston, tough to beat their 20 year warranty.
Burn-in is at very least 100 hours with music or XLO break-in tracks. Bryston's break in is with a single test tone at 10KHz, great for weeding out weak components, not so good for music. My 6B SST's are comming along nicely at about 150 hours of music and XLO break-in tracks for maybe 30 of thoes hours. I upgraded from a 4B ST and the difference in amazing. ENJOY
I've been doing a lot of research recently for upgrading my speakers. In the process I started reading the old AVA Audio Basics archives (

The man provides a very intersting take on popular hifi culture. He's been in high end audio for more than 20 years and really seems to know his stuff. AVA supports the unpopular opinion that hifi can be engineered (with only a few unknowns), and backs it up with a line of electronics and twenty years of the Audio Basics journal where he discusses every aspect of hi fi in great, easy to understand, detail.

Even if you don't wind up agreeing, it's a very good read. When I'm ready to upgrade my Bryston 2BLP, I will definately take advantage of their 30 day at home trial and see how the AVA amplifiers stack up.

after recalling some electronics studied years ago especially on amplification designes(hell not only at audio freequencies but at radio as well for repeaters) i started asking myself what the hell wire has to do at audio freequencies whatsoever?
And the only answer is it has to make money with tremendous profit that you can measure from 5x upto 20x.

I read AVA statement and the couple of things I didn't like about it is their specification hiding. Despite their statement, there are parameters of amplifier that only suitable for the "good sounding one" and not too long ago 20years or so manufacturers displayed all their graphs and responces to show how they stand for their product to reveal the design work. Secondly I wouldn't simply trust to the company that is producing amps in the garage lab with neither established dealer nor service network as Bryston, Audio Research, Pass Labs and even Classe. I know I'm able to fix many electronic failures but not always I'd want to waste my time on that and would prefere to have a service so I'd think before biting wire bait...

Pass labs is simple and excellent solution but very expencive even to build yourself or buy used and every expencive solution not always the best.