Bryston, Sansui or NAD..which amp to recondition?

I love my NAD 2200 with 1155 pre that i've had for past 4 years.
but then i bought a Bryston 3B and hooked it up to my 1155 pre
oh my.. so much horsepower, such a great rock amp. it likes its mids.
but then i picked up a really nice Sansui AU-719
wow the imagery over the Bryston is amazing, the bass is smother( yet not as powerful. the highs seem more "technical" (?) its really, really nice to listen to.

Bryston factory will do full recondition of the 3B for which i would hope to gain cleaner mid and more delicate highs with tighter bass. But is 400 beans plus shipping.

The NAD was re-capped locally 6 months and sounds pretty good. i was really impressed with the quick, punchy bass and nicer highs that came with the new Elna (?) caps. I haven't done the pre-amp yet.

And then there is my new favorite toy Sansui AU-719. Its really quite different from the Bryston. I'm hoping that a renovation would really open it up and make the bass more controlled and take the highs up a notch, but i could also enjoy it as is. I'm speculating of a great gain when the 30 year old caps are replaced though.

Where would you spend your money if you could only recon one of them?
Im looking for musicality and re-sale for the next time i decide to trade again. Damn, this hobby is starting to get expensive but it sure is fun.

Showing 1 response by yogiboy

Is that Sansui an integrated or basic amp? If it is an integrated you can't really compare them unless you can separate the amp and pre amp on the Sansui!