Bryston "Regular" vs "Pro"

Has anyone here auditioned any Bryston ’home’ and ’pro’ amp back-to-back to see if there is any sonic difference between the two? I’m aware of the variable gain on the ’pro’ models - that’s not what I’m asking. I was curious about anything audible, be it dynamic range, soundstage, - or any of those other adjectives we audio geeks like to use - that might distinguish one from the other.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a 2, 3, 4... base, st or sst... just wondering about any difference in the sonic characteristics.


Showing 2 responses by czarivey

Mr "Pro" would use adjustable gain to maximize synergy to preamp and speakers. I used Bryston 3b-st and 3b-st pro, but not at the same time so can't tell, but adjustable gain of "Pro" I really liked to play with.
Well, the "pro" has a potential to sound better with adjustable gain for synergy between components.