Bryston owners: What speakers are you using?

Just curious as to what speakers you've got mated with your Bryston gear. I've got PSB Stratus Silvers (Bryston 3B amp/BP4 preamp). I've had 'em for about 3 years now and I'm coming down with a case of upgrade syndrome.

I'm using a pair of Vandersteen 3A Signatures, plus a stereo pair of Vandy 2Wq subwoofers. For a full description of my system, click on the system link below.
Tyler Acoustics Linbrook monitor's with my 4B-SST. In my case cured the upgrade bug for speakers.
I'm using B&W N805's. sounds great. Incredible what the amp does with those small speakers (they go very deep altough I know logically the range is limited towards the low freq.)

Very lively, good 3D altough I would prefer e.g. a Jeff Rowland for imaging and headroom if a had the money...

But overall I'm very glad I bought the 4BSST

Current speakers are Tyler Linbrook monitors and having recently sold my 4B-SST, I will be picking up my 14B-SST tonight. Whooo-hooo!!!