Bryston & Harbeths - Good Match?

I have a Bryston 4b SST2 amp and am looking to upgrade from my Vandersteen 2ce Sigs. I like the Vandy’s but I think they are a bit large for my 15’ x 18’ room.

I have been looking at the Harbeth SHL5’s and I have not seen much written about them with the Bryston. Does anyone here have any experience with this combination?

I am also considering the Totem Mani 2’s, Dynaudio’s and a few others. I really hate giving up the low end of the Vandy’s so I am looking for something that might come close in my small room. I really don’t want to go the sub route.

I am looking at used speakers and my budget is in the $2k to $4k range. Any comments and or suggestions are welcome. Oh, I listen to a wide range of music. From Diana Krall to Elvis Costello to Jimmy Buffett.


Showing 1 response by pani

With Brystons you should audition relatively warmer sounding speakers like Blumenhofer, JMR, Focus Audio, Odyssey Lorelei, Spendor, Proac and the likes.

I have some experience with the Dyns and while they sound controlled and smooth with Brystons but they also sound relatively cold with them. Dyns need warmer sounding amps like Plinius, Mark Levinson and the likes. Same with the Totems.