Bryston BDP1- loading problem

hello Bryston BDP-1 owners,

Just bought the Bryston BDP-1 & BDA-1 combo, they sound pretty awesome!
The BDP-1 can load and play the thumb drive Bryston supplied with it fine and also one of mine Western Digital 750GB (FAT-32) hard drive with about 50 albums in AIFF with no problem.

When I connect my other Western Digital 750GB (Fat-32) with about 150GB of AIFF, the BDP-1 took ALL NIGHT and still havent finished loading. I reformatted the drive and load the same files, it still cannot load. Exchanged the drive for a Seagate 500GB: Same problem.

I believe i have the latest firmware (S1.16, 2011-07-15) and the Seagate 500GB only draws 500mA as Seagate rep told me.

Please help!

Showing 4 responses by audioman58

ONe thing not mentioned was that the card reader in the bdp is only 4-GIGS it is not supposed to store your collection,it's main purpose is to read whatever cd or songs you want from either a seperate HD or thumb drive
then once loaded it is completely in it's own and then goes to the Superb audio card and a pure class A circuit as well as excellent digital supplies down stream very well thought out. I have the dac and listened to them with and without the player the sound is better with the bdp player. No dac on it's ownis as good even at 4x the cost.I sold my Mdwright Sony 5400, which wwas very good this leaves it in the dust. for $4k this is a steal and the future. p.s if you downloaded any 24/96 or higher files it makes sacd sound broken it is that good. I am using flac files and have a 1t external drive I bring with me for demos.Once the file issue is out of the way you will have nothing to complain about and Remember it is Not A Server it does not load librarys that is what your external hard drives or thumb drives are for.
The files are not all loaded on the flash drive at the same time they load as fast as your drive will allow on my external HD it is a Seagate NTFS file if you are spending this much on electronics for under $100 you can get windows 7 home 64 which is totally NTFS. fat 32 is way outdated,for the thumb drives I have a super speed Patriot.
The cheapo $10 drives are NG they are way to slow for $40
I spent for this 16gig I bought 2 just to play at least 10 cds per drive it actually sounds better with the external drive .I am using a AUdioquest Coffee usb cable ,Yes the accuracy of even a usb cable matter less timing errors and even the dialectric has a Voltage on it more precise sounding . They also make excellent BNC cables for around $400. The better the cable the more resolotion.I am experimenting with digital cables $1k is my limit though.
THe BDP I am found is indispensable ,I use my ipad and can uild any file of rock ,jazz or what ever in seconds .I have on my 1T external drive 500 cds with all the album art just like with a erecored album ,the DB power amp program I bought for windows , and use MPAD for the Ipad is great just hit the album are icon it displays all the sonds and from there you dictate how many songs from the cd to play or albums in whatever order. The sound quality is far better than any cd playback I have owned and I have owned some of the best over $15k .This dac player combo is the future and with all the true hirez downloads coming out
or that are available it is a treat ,no more loading cds or treating them and once you have ripped the cds and backed them up it is a done deal. One thing though use the best usb cable ,and digital cable you can afford .
I find the wireworld Platinum usb, and xlr digital to be superb in this setup for under $6k with cables unbeatable
in many ways !!
Granted the earlier units had some software issues.
I called Bryston and I had the firmware updated and have been flawless
Since.It is so much easier to deal with just turn on my IPad
And put on any group of albums or songs in seconds,
And no more cleaning or scratching of CDs. I tried going back while
My friend borrowed my bdp ,it is like going back to the stone age.
This Also Sounds Much better.
Advise also is use the best USB, and digital aftermarket cables that you could
Afford it is well worth it.