Bryston BDA1, where from here?

I have a BDA1 and a Wyred 4 sound STP-SE Stage 2 and some Bel Canto Ref1000 original series. Wherever I go from here as far as DAC? I want to do DSD but also want good deep wide sound stage and I want it for around $1000 used. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!


There sure are a Lot of streamers on the market now Make one kind of wonder...

The Bda3 will sound noticeably better then the Bda2, Much more articulate Bass Deeper Wider ect.

There are a few up for sale now, so if you get one you could always resell it.

Just got the Bdp3 for mine.

Good luck to whatever you choose!

Thank you for the reply! I have been reading all sorts of reviews. I am thoroughly confused on which direction to go. I really like the BDA1 it's a great dac. I just don't know what will sound noticably better at a reasonable cost.

Tough to get all that you want for $1000. If you don’t need balanced connections Chord Qutest, if you do the look into Benchmark DAC3. Just going based on my experience with Bryston BDA-3, Chord Qutest and my current DAC Benchmark DAC 3. The Chord DAC has a neat option to select filters that allow you to tweak the sound to your liking. However these will most likely be slightly over $1000 on a used market.  
There are other options like the Topping D90 but I haven’t heard it in my system so can’t really say if it’ll do.