Bryston BDA-3

  I have a lot of SACDs.  I am therefore intrigued by this Bryston DAC, claims to decode DSD from SACD over HDMI.  I can't find any reviews of the product.  Does any one have any experience with it?

Showing 8 responses by milpai

You are welcome.
You can reach out to some of the users on, who actually own the BDA-3 and check with them. Seems like a promising product.
Congratulation on the new acquisition and Thanks for sharing your experience. Looks like the BDA-3 is awesome. How are you playing the SACD (DSD) streams over the DDA-3? Is it via HDMI?
How long have you been using the Mytek? Is the Bryston BDA-3 new in your system? Curious because many reviewers seem to like th Bryston. How are you playing the SACDs on the Mytek?
np mahler123. You are so lucky to be able to compare 3 very good digital products! If I read your post correctly, are you indicating that you prefer the Mytek over Bryston for CD playback? I have the Bryston on my mind for future upgrade. Can't afford 2 DACs like you :-)
I am wondering - DSD does not output from coax in case of Oppo. So how were you able to compare the same SACD on Bryston Vs Mytek? Or maybe I got it wrong, and you are comparing only the PCM on both the DACs?
 I tell them that my stereo takes me to places that my car never will
This is so true mahler123. Very well said.

I will have to hear these 2 DACs personally. Thank You for your feedback. Trying to convince my wife to make a trip to Chicago AXPONA this year and spend 2 days, instead of 1. Want to hear as much DACs as I can.