Bryston BCD1 vs. Audio Research CD3 MkII

Has anybody compared the Bryston BCD1 with the (now discontinued) Audio Research CD 3 Mk II? Used versions of these players are now selling at roughly the same price (Bryston actually slightly more). I know that one reader (drummermitchell) earlier said he preferred the Bryston to a CD 7, but I'd like to hear other opinions from anyone who has heard both players. The AR is older technology, and the Bryston gets great reviews, but I'm nonetheless torn. I'm hesitant to try to auditon in my system, since I won't be buying it new from a dealer.

This will be replacing a Gamut CD1R which is starting to die. (It skips on early tracks of many CDS. Neither lens cleaning nor lubricating/greasing the laser track has resolved the problem. If anybody has suggestions...)

Associated equipment: Mag 3.5Rs/Audio Research VT100 X 2/Bryston crossover/Aesthetix Calypso


Showing 1 response by rtaylor

I did a head to head comparison a couple of years back. I was thinking that the newer Bryston would be a good replacement for my ARC CD2 which is the previous model to the CD3. Even in that comparison, it was a very close call. I had an ARC Ref 1 and a VT100 MKIII for the rest of the system.

As it turned out there wasn't enough of a difference to me to justify the expense of a new Bryston.

I also compared the Bryston to a CD3 in a store in Minneapolis. It that room on that day with unfamiliar equipment, it was hands down that the CD3 was the better player to me.

To my ears, the Bryston has a little more cloudy presentation and the ARC seems to be a little more clear and subjectively more involving.