bryston b100sst as pre-amp

I have been using my Bryston B100sst integrated amp for some time. Considering going back to separates but can't afford to go whole hog all at once. I have Silverline Sonatina speakers (1st edition), Oppo bdp105, Morrow sp7 biwire, Darwin Ascension 2 interconnects and Signalcable power cords. I would like a little more power. So, I would buy a used power amp and use the Bryston as a pre-amp until my ship comes in. Any suggestions would be appreciated.




Showing 1 response by jmcgrogan2

@tls49 , +1. Does the OP have a very large room, or listen at very loud levels that would require more power? Remember, doubling power only adds 3 dB.

Personally, if I were looking to split this integrated amp up, which I am not saying is even necessary, I would look to add a tube preamp and use the B100sst amp section.