Bryston 7B3 vs 4B3: Extra Cost Worthwhile?

Now that my dealer said he can deliver and unbox my amp the weight issue has been resolved. I don’t expect to be moving them as this is my end game system. At my age end game has real meaning. So I decided on Bryston and the 4B3. But then I got to thinking maybe I should go all out and get the 7B3 mono blocks.  They are twice the price of the 4B3. For that additional expense I would hope and expect that once I heard them I would not be able to go back to the 4B3. However if the difference in perceived SQ is better but marginal the extra cost would not be worthwhile. I’m not looking for the ability to play loud but am looking for speaker control, dynamics, soundstage, etc., improvements that are clearly and unequivocally heard. So has anyone been done this road with these amps? If so please share your experiences 


Showing 11 responses by jfrmusic

Sorry to disagree. There is no amp that is absurd for my speakers or any speaker of high quality. There is no such thing as too much power. I believe the Pass 150, 250 and 350 are  excellent amps. I will audition them. But was interested in how warm/ hot they might become over a long listening session. Power is not just for driving loud volumes. It dynamically controls the speaker and provides reserves for dynamic peaks especially with large scale Classical  Music which I Listen to. 

My speaker is not demanding. 6 Ohm Harbeth C7es-XD. But not concerned with playing loud. Looking for control and dynamics as I listen to mostly Classical. 


That is another option as the AHB2 is my current amp. Some have said not to use a stereo amp in bridge mode as distortion increases. My impeadance is 6 so half of that probably not an issue for the Benchmark. 

what SQ advantages did you experience with AHB2 bridged?


How warm does the Pass 350.8 get?  Don’t want something hot to the touch or warming the room..



Thanks for the info. Unfortunately your specs didn’t show. From what you stated I might expect my easy to  drive 6 ohm Harbeths ( lowest impedes 5.2) to not cause significant temperature issues with the Pass. 

Yes those Coda 5.5s look very interesting. I thought the same about bridging two. 


Once I get my new streamer and DAC I will give my AHB2 a new audition. Maybe the upper mid lower treble forward  issue I didn’t like was a product of the DAC3. Still waiting for the DAC to arrive at the dealer. Probably this Wednesday. If it sounds better then I might consider getting a second and going bridge mode. But I keep hearing negatives about bridging stereo amps. Right now I haven’t felt completely good about my choices. Although I will be able to audition the 4B3 and the pass x250 at my dealer. And he can deliver to my house. 


Overture have my speakers and DAC and streamer. So any audition will be valid. Plus I plan on bringing my ABH2 with me to include in the comparison. If zI went for the Pass it would be the X-250.8. Good to know I wouldn’t have to be concerned with the heat. 


So Hall is saying the ABH2 will not have any SQ disadvantages running in Bridged mode and with my 6 ohm Harbeths also no issue. 

Recent info from Benchmark Support   

No worries with the AHB2. In mono, it will drive down to 1Ohm. Into 6Ohms, the bridged AHB2 will output 480 watts.The input impedance whether stereo or mono is 50kOhms The amp will draw up to 8 amps. 
Also the specs state that distortion at all levels will be identical to Stereo mode and SNR will be 3db better in mono mode and that it will sound the same in either mode with the difference being available power in mono.   

My current speaker cables are 6’. 

I haven’t decided what I’m going to do. Benchmark insists that unless I’m clipping the amp there is no reason to get a second and that I will not hear any difference other than the ability to play louder. 

Still considering 

Bryston, CODA, Pass, Ayre, and Accuphase. 
I find amplifiers the most difficult component to select.