Bryston 2bsst

Anyone here have experience with the Bryston 2bsst? I sometimes see mentioned "series C"- is that another generation of the sst or all the same? I have a 3bst that's about 6 years old(+or-) and am very pleased with it with the excepetion of the upper frequencies. Some vocals have too much sibilance (right term?) and the highs are a bit bright for my taste. So, I'd love to know if the 2bsst would take care of that issue. I am going to be looking at used amps and I think the 2bsst would be closest to my price range. FYI, I am also considering an Odyssey amp. I like the sonic characteristics of what I have now with the exception upper frequencies, so I don't want to make a drastic change. Thank you!

Showing 1 response by vanderstephen

Thanks for the replies (and I welcome more of them). Sounds like there's a good chance the sst series would solve my issues. I don't have any power issues, so I'll just wait til the best deal comes up on a-gon for a 2bsst or maybe a 3bsst if priced low enough.