Bryston 14b-SST or 7b-SST?

They have the same power ratings but, Which is better? Stereophile had the 14b-SST in Class A and the 7b-SST in Class B in Recommended Components, but I want opinion from you guys who own or audition them. Thank you
I would recommed the "filter choke upgrade" for both 14B-SST or 7B-SST. Check out the link I sent earlier and search the Bryston Circle (all info is there). Some people on A'Gon sell the amps with the upgrade already done. It made a noticeable difference on the high frequecies for me.

Last year I put my upgraded 7B-SST's for sale here in A'Gon but I pulled the ad and decided to keep the amps. I was considering upgrading to the newer SST2 series. Instead, I just bought a Torus power unit for the amps. The newer 7B-SST2 amps have the Torus stuff built in.
Thank you for all your response. I think I can't go wrong with either amp. I'll be watching and wait for it to come up for sale. thanks again
Ellyjr We have owned both the 7Bsst and 14Bsst as well as other Bryston products , In my humble opinion the 14B gets the nod , its slightly smoother and more grain free . Both were great performers you wont be disappointed with either . But I do have to agree with stereophile on this one . For another perspective you might try to find the reveiws from the now defunked Inner Ear Report they tested both and also preferred the 14B , there editor Ernie Fisher said the 14B was his favorite solid state amp , Ernie was Canada 's version of J Gordon Holt . Good quality speaker cables degrade the music much less over distance than cheaper , thiner ones, keep all distances as short as possible is my 2 cents worth. Max

"There would be 2 advantages to a 7B over a 14B.

The 7B being Mono allows you to place the amplifier very close to each speaker - always a good idea-- and the 7B has twice the capacitance in the power supply section over the 14B.

Other than that they are identical.

A pair of 7B's is about 5% more expensive.

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