Brubeck's 'Time Out' listeners

Been tweaking my system (mostly room and rack) and heard something for the first time.

On the 'Take Five' track, when Joe Morello goes into his drum solo, am I hearing a reflection off of Eugene Wright's bass? It's right were Wright is playing. It's ever so delayed, but *there.*


I never would have thought my system (with tweaks suggested by you guys) could resolve something like that.

To those who are familiar with the recording (20 bit remaster) let me know!

Showing 3 responses by mbhcid

I believe what you are hearing is a tape splice, or at least that's what it sounds like on my system. Most likely, the engineer recorded several drum solos and the "best" solo was then spliced into the "best" piano recording. Typical studio trickery!

On a highly resolving system you can also hear the tempo change when the drum solo is "plugged in" and then again after the solo finishes.

It sounds like your tweaks may have made your system more resolving!
I just replayed my 20 bit recording of Take Five listening for the "reflection" you describe. I heard only kick drum thwacks at 2:37 and again at 4:18 - neither of these relate to the tape splice i'm referring to which occurs at 1:50 following Desmond's solo, and just before the start of Morello's solo.
Mprime, if you listen closely just after the finish of the Desmond solo (1:50) you'll hear a distinct change in the tempo and what sounds like a phase shift - even the placement of the instruments in the soundstage shifts enough to let you know the recording of these two solo's took place in two different sessions.