Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone?

Hey Folks,

I did some searches and did not see anyone claiming to have the DAC+.  Saw one positive review from a site of which I am unfamiliar.  I prefer reviews where there is listening and testing so perhaps we will have to hope for Stereophile or HiFi News to get one but that will probably take some time.

I have a DAC+ on backorder with MusicDirect so hopefully any bugs will be exterminated before I get mine.  I am also hoping for more details on the circuit changes.

Hope you folks are well and good,
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 1 response by ostensible_constituency

Does anyone with experience using the Brooklyn (+ or regular) have any benchmarks in terms of burn-in time, or how long you used it before the sonic character "settled down" and reached a steady state?

I was just wondering because I’m in the process of comparing it to a few other mid-high end DACs and only have two systems in which to use them at the present. The aim is to get as close as possible to a side-by-side A/B test using the Brooklyn DAC+, PS Audio Perfect Wave DSD, TEAC UD-503/NT-505 and a Sabre 9038 Pro.

I own the Brooklyn DAC+, the TEACs and the PS Audio DSD as well as a Chinese made DIY 9038 Pro unit with beefy power supplies and a solid chassis. The other option is an Oppo Sonica (also 9038) which my friend owns, and which I have auditioned previously (and opted to stay with the TEAC at the time), so the goal here is to get the right DAC into the right system and stop with the upgrades for a while, having spent well north of $15K on audio equipment in the first half of this year.