Brooklyn DAC+ Anyone?

Hey Folks,

I did some searches and did not see anyone claiming to have the DAC+.  Saw one positive review from a site of which I am unfamiliar.  I prefer reviews where there is listening and testing so perhaps we will have to hope for Stereophile or HiFi News to get one but that will probably take some time.

I have a DAC+ on backorder with MusicDirect so hopefully any bugs will be exterminated before I get mine.  I am also hoping for more details on the circuit changes.

Hope you folks are well and good,
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xrobob

Showing 1 response by jxo

151 posts
02-11-2018 5:52pm
Hey Folks,

The DAC+ is doing well and is wonderful.

I am spinning vinyl through it as I write this. It sounds surprisingly good. I am not sure what caused the constricted sound the first time I tried the MC phono input (analog input set to MC Phone) but I am not hearing it now. This the second time trying it and I warmed it up with the first two sides of a recent re-release of The Koln Concert. The piano was full bodied and Keith's moans were clearly audible.

Robert:  I am deciding between the Benchmark and the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+.   The quality of the Mytek phono section may be the deciding factor.  I have a high end vinyl rig with a Lyra Kleos MC cartridge.  I have had a vintage MFA preamp in my system for a while and the Mytek may get the nod over the Benchmark if the phono stage is more than decent.