Broken hearted...magnepan and vandersteen

I finally got an opportunity to hear the 1.7i magnepan. I will blame my ears and taste, but I was underwhelmed. I heard them with tweeters inside and outside for comparison. outside did sound a bit better. Then I allowed them to play the vandersteen quatro ct. The speakers disappeared into the music. Deep, tall, wide soundstage with excellent imaging and air around the different instruments. Full range sound. Thankfully the trio ct sounded almost the quatros equal. I really was ready to go with magnepan. I was surprised. All other speakers are sounding inferior now. 

Showing 3 responses by patrickdowns

re " I heard a VAST difference between the Treo ct and the quatro ct "

I've auditioned them. The bass of the Treo CT is excellent, but doesn't go nearly as low as the Quatro. The mids and treble of both are very close, and superb. I want the Treo CT, and would then add one of his new subs when I could afford it. It would make no sense to get two subs ... you'd have about $14K invested and it would make more sense to get the Quatro CTs with better built-in bass. I cannot afford the Quatro CT, but that would be my first choice.

The Treo CT is special. I think I can live without the maximum low bass response.
re " The problem with the vandersteen speakers is that they have drivers that overlap over a wide range. This is not only pointless but can cause a muddy sound."

--- Sorry, not trying to pick a fight, but as a Vandersteen owner for 20+ years, this is bogus. I’ve listened to the 3, the Treo CT and the Quatro CT at some length, too. Great speakers. I'm no fanboy, but as I research my next pair of speakers, Vandys keep coming up at the top of the list, with some other good makes. Richard V is a genius.
pick up a couple of used 2Wq's for $1200-$1400 in very good condition

Great idea! Thanks.