Broke key guide on 6sn7 how to keep using tube

I broke off the key guide on a black glass Sylvania vt-231 and a black glass RCA while using a Garage 1217 tube adapter. The key hole is very tight on these adapters and so are the pin sockets. I know the tube is still good just don't know how to orient the pins withe correct socket holes. If I can figure this out I can just use a paint pen on tube and socket for the future. There are no numbers in the bottom of the tubes so where do I go from here? I have more of these tubes but hate to throw in a junk drawer. Thanks for any help.

Showing 1 response by imhififan

You can use a keyway replacement from Tube Depot,

The filament pins of 6sn7 are 7 and 8, you can use a DMM ( digital multimeter ) to identify the filament pins by using ohm meter, other pins will show open circuit except pin 7 and pin 8 have resistance reading.