Brinkmann vs TW Acustic

Was wondering how these two German manufacturers compare.
Bardo vs Raven One
Oasis vs Raven GT
LaGrange vs Raven AC
Is there a unique sound signature that goes up with the range? Which is a better value? (i.e. maybe the Oasis is better than the Raven AC)
Have heard both in show conditions, but could not pin-point their contribution to the end result as the rest of the system was unfamiliar as well.

what a stupid post and again clearly demonstrates what I have wrote above, you obvious have no clue when I wrote such do you but Dgad and some others do.

VAC, purchased using a Vac dealer whom has been such for years which I've also dealt with for years. Same goes with the rest of the product I own except for my recent purchase of a used pair of EA MM3 speakers.

Emb, your posting above is so full of crap and not true. You and others have a problem being challenged, you try to BS others.

Just look at the OP's posting and the first reply being yours saying;

04-07-13: Ebm
TW Acustic best sonding best made.

What do you call that? Joke!
Hi Sunnyboy1956,

thx, it's great to read you are enjoying.

You asked what has gone wrong .....?

Obviously directing towards me, nothing really. Just sharing my findings with others but then some "mostly TW owners" take such as a personal attack on their credibility and do their normal thing by replying as one can clearly read above in some of the postings.

Then you have others that feel one can't hear the difference if the speed is not locked in and try to discredit, for the life of me just makes me laugh. If they can't hear what I or others can "Syntax" what can I say.

Dgad even in his postings above has clearly stated he could hear the differences once locked in on the proper speed.

I originally enjoyed my BN table "gorgeous appearance wise" but quickly found there were flaws upon set-up and usage and addressed such directly with both Jeff and Thomas which mostly went on death ears.

Well that's not totally true I did receive a very rude reply back with not so nice language from Thomas when I was addressing the issue with my controller and not being able to keep an accurate speed and what I was hearing and another one from Jeff suggesting it's "arm" not being set-up properly.

When I had issues I asked numerous others experienced individuals whom I know for assistance, those issues I had never changed with them either.

Still have the emails.


-Not being able to lock it in and hold an accurate speed

-The three pulleys on the motor

-The nipples for attaching the feet

-Controller battery issue

and lastly the 10.5 arm.

What's ironic is when I sold the arm to a new owner because of my dissatisfaction this person actually started a thread.

He also found there were issues, one being the magnet was reversed. I and others who assisted missed that one upon trying to figure out what's going on, I received copies of his conversations with both Thomas and Jeff and one that stands out suggested CLEARLY saying the original owner must have switched the magnet around. How hilarious is that.
What really disgusts me is that especially one bigmouth is trying to derail always and every thread, in which the words TW Acustic or Raven are mentioned. And he is almost everytime successfull. In this thread he led dev and dgad to a sideshow. He is very knowledgable, but he is also a troll [--> red herring]. He has not any / *none* personal longterm experience in listening to a TW Acustic turntable (yes, syntax, we all know that some your buddies had/have a Raven turntable, e.g. kha...).

Yes, I'm also a satisfied customer of TW Acustic. I'm a happy owner of a Raven AC turntable and am very happy with Thomas' great service. To clarify: My rant has nothing to do with my ownership of a Raven turntable. It's just based on syntax' negative, destructive participation in *every* TW Acustic thread at A'gon and in many other audio forums. I also dislike syntax' hype on some of his friends audio products or products his friends are trying to sell. Synax is not in audio business, but he is - from my observations - very active in viral marketing...

P.S. Syntax: how is your Apolyt turntable project going? Any progress in the last two years? *pressing thumbs*
Hmmm.. I found a review of KAB strobe on 6moon that claimed that KAB strobe error is +- 0.03%, that's +- 0.001 rpm so any turntable that is measured ok on KAB strobe should have a speed of 33.333+-0.01 rpm or 33.323-33.343.
Pitchwise, to change a semitone, you need 6% error, so KAB strobe would give maximum of half a cent off (you get 100 cent between each semitone). Some author claims threshold for audibility difference in pitch is about 5-6 cents, one study on student musicians showed threshold of +- 12 cents.

Timing wise, about +- 0.3 second for a 20 minute tracks.