Bringing Bryston 4B back to 1997 new.

Recently I rescued a Bryston 4B off Facebook marketplace. It needs to be refurbished. Bryston will bring it back to 1997 new for $1400. That’ll bring my investment to $1700 all in. I’m thinking for the money I might be better off with a nice class D . I’d be powering Thiel CS 2.4’s. I have a Bryston BP 20 preamp Curious what you guys think. Go vintage or invest in the future?


Showing 1 response by mal11963

I have a bryston 4B that I bought brand new in 1996 for 5400 and I would not trade it for anything it is a fabulous amp and will power and drive the most power hungry speakers out there. The only problem I have ever had was my fault back in 2018 i thought I would be a wise guy and crank the volume  as high as it could go and all I managed to do was blow up a pair of ADS  L8E speakers and clip the left Chanel of rhe amp having to have it repaired since now the red light was on in the front. My crazy actions set me back 500 dollars to bryston to go through and repair the amp. I have had no problems since. 1700 for a 4b is awsome the new 4B is now 8400. Take and match the 4B with a tube preamp and the sound is amazing. I just bought a brand new rogue rp7 preamp along with a pro ject tube box ds3b phono pre amp and the sound is pure bliss. There is not a lot of difference from the 4B you have from 97 and the one they make today other then the base that it can power. 2 years ago when I replaced my speakers with a pair of dynaudio special fortys and upgraded my sub with a rel s510 the sound is awsome and the base is as good or better then what the new 4b can do. For a quarter of the cost that the rel s510 puts out. If I was you I would have bryston refurbish the p you have and you will never need another one. Match it with a rogue tube preamp and you will have a amazing sound. The rp 1 starts at 2000 the rp5 is 3000 the rp7 is 5500.and the rp9 is 7500 all the rogue preamps are tube. The 1 and 5 have a phono section in them the 7 and 9 don't but have xlr inputs and outputs it is a trade off. I am big into vynal and with a linn table my set up is very sweet. Keep and rebuilt the 4B it is one of the best amps out there you won't regret a penny spent good luck Michael.