Bright room, help

I'm relatively new to high end and need some help.

I have my set up in a vaulted living room with hardwood floors and lots of sheetrock (damn those parallel walls!). Not a lot of furniture and what I do have is leather. I need some simple inexpensive ideas to warm the room up a bit, without detracting from the decor. It's very bright and brings on fatigue sooner than I'd like.

Any ideas Audiogonners???



Showing 1 response by newbee

place a rug between the speakers and your listening position to eliminate floor reflections of the uppermids and high frequencies. adjust toe in to avoid side wall reflections or add deadening materiel on the side wall reflection points, including book cases, plants etc. don't be afraid to put the speaker axis's crossed in front of the listening position. adjust speaker heighth. you might list your equipment as some may be able to comment on ways to tame the equipment itself.