Brickwall Classical Music Mastering

As society circles the drain, I just now pulled a 25-box of classical LPs off my shelf.  I'll probably put them in a closet, maybe I'll donate them somewhere, maybe I'll listen some time, I don't know.

How did I discern which ones to pull, as these were from stacks that I bought by the boxful and haven't heard yet?  The text on the back of the jacket:  Mastering: Bill Kipper, Masterdisc Corp.

I like classical music.  I like LPs of classical music.  I like ancient LPs of classical music that have great dynamics.  This Kipper guy brickwalls these records like he was mastering a Grand Funk Railroad disc.  No matter how good your hi-fi is, it'll sound like a Magnavox console with a Bill Kipper record on it.

It's too late to go out and get a drink but it's warm enough to go out and light a cigar.

Showing 1 response by mrearl

Well, there's nothing wrong with liking what you like.

I have four or five hardware compressors and God knows how many software ones, so it's not too extravagant a claim that I know what I'm hearing.

Actually the Kipper MHS records sound real good if you don't mind the compression.