Bricasti M3 In the house

Just got a Bricasti M3 with the Ethernet renderer module. Looking forward to breaking this piece in. First impressions are: it’s a winner. I am curious what ways folks who have this DAC (or other Bricasti models) run it; over ethernet or USB? I will report my findings as the days tick by; Right now it’s cooking on ethernet out of my InnuOs Zenith MKIII into an ether-regen into the M3;
@ddafoe, Since your RaspberyPi with the S/PDIF output running Roon is sounding great, I seen no reason to replace it.  It is cost effective and is doing the job.   

As you posted, your goal is to "try a few new things".  I encourage you to try the RME DAC and also the Topping DAC.   You need to hear these DAC's in your system to determine how they sound.

If possible, I suggest you give the Ayre CODEX DAC a 
listen.   I temporarily used it in my main audio system and it sounded excellent.  It gets warm so it does need ventilation.   I suggest you use it balanced output to your amplifier since it will sound better with balanced outputs.    
@ddafoe Looking forward to hearing about the dacs.

I did a dac shootout this fall, and comparing a lot of different chips/approaches was quite informative.  I ended up with an audio mirror, and people wanted to tell me that my ears were wrong because you're "supposed" to like Lampizators better. Different systems and different ears = different preferences.

Do report back to add some data points. Good luck.
Hello everybody. I have recently owned the m3 bricasti and I would like to know if my dac already mounts the new mdx card. How can I know? On the display I read mdx 1.0.
Also I would like to know why my daphile mounted on a futro via usb doesn't see the bricasti. thank you all
Ok, great, thank you! Can you tell me why some forumers have version 1.01 or 1.02 while i read the 1.00 version?Is there the possibility to upgrade firmware version? My m3 is whitout rj 45 input...maybe via usb?