Bret D'Agostino passed away

Bret D'Agostino passed away on January 03, 2017. He was the president and head designer of Bully Sound Company (

I talked with him once at a show where he was demonstrating his amplification with Harbeth 30.1. He struck me as a very cool guy and preferred conversation over sales motivated pretense. I also like that he continued with class a amplification while that design's commercial presence shrinks. My condolences to his family and friends.
My sympathies to his entire family.   I spoke to him one time when he was at Krell.   Very nice guy and incredibly helpful.   A real shame.
so sad.  i can't imagine how heart breaking it would be to have either of my sons go before me..

and yes, @dave_72 , drop some pounds, you can do it!
does anyone know any causes of the passing away?

i would like to know too... anyway, rip, and my condolences...i’m a real heavy guy too, and i suffered both a stroke and cardiac arrest in the last year and a half...i’m lucky to be alive, but now it’s about time to start shrinking...

I met Bret right at the end of the TAVES show in Toronto where I was very impressed with his stunning art deco looking amplifiers driving Totem Element speakers with complete control. He was a very personable and open guy with great plans for his company's future. I liked him immediately, though I sensed he was not well with all the weight he was carrying. I remember the heartfelt embrace he shared with Vince Bruzezze as they parted. Deep respect for each other. It's time to drop the needle on a Leonard Cohen LP once again and let this news ripple through our community.
WOW, we're so sorry to hear this. Met Dan and Bret - one of the finest audio families around. Top flight people. The heart's heavy today.

I'll spin some for him tonight !!! He'll hear it up there...
Bret was one of Audio's good guys.
I'm sorry to hear about his passing.
My deepest sympathies to his family.
Rest in peace my friend Bret D’AGOSTINO,  does anyone know any causes of the passing away? 

Very Sad to hear to hear this news...

My Deepest Sympathies go out to the D'Agostino family.

Impossibly sad news for the D'Agostino family...

The nightmare of every parent is to outlive their child.  Our hearts and prayers go out to Dan and everyone else.
The company was named for his beloved English Bull Terrier.
Deepest sympathies Dan and family on the loss of your son and brother.
I heard a pair of Bret's monos at a dealer in Ann Arbor and they combined excellent control of the speakers with that sweet and natural Class A sound.
Dan is Bret's father.

Rest in Peace Bret. Out thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.