Breaking into the industry

Hello all,
This may be off topic, but i was wondering if anyone has any advice on how to work in the HiFi industry. I am graduating from college in May with a degree in economics and the more i think about my options, the more i want to turn my back on a career in banking or finance. I absolutely adore music and would nothing more than to be surrounded by it everyday. Thanks fo the help,

Showing 2 responses by wolf_garcia

Ha...I didn't notice it was a vampire thread...I take it all back...turn on, tune in, drop out.
Get a Masters undergrad economics degree will land you on the bottom rung when compared to anybody with a Biz MA, unless you're from a serious Ivy League school or really lucky. Also note there is very little real money in audio sales, so be prepared to suffer for years, or live with your parents!