Breaking in of CD player?

Bought a Sony ES5400 cdp. Online writeups all talk about need for breaking in. So what do I actually do to accomplish this? In the past I just used the equipment I got right out of the box. What does breakin really entail?

Showing 1 response by chayro

Some people like to play a "break-in" CD like the Isotek on repeat for hours on end. That's one way. The other way is just to use and wait a couple of months for everything to sound its best. Keep in mind that there are many people who believe that break-in is a myth and it is our ears that are getting used to the new equipment. IMO, CD players do improve with time, but there's nothing you really need do other than use it. You'll either hear a difference or you won't, depending on your ears and your system. The Sony is a very nice player, so you should be in for some good musical times.