Breaking in new speakers, what is your favorite music for this?

I have new L/C/R speakers in my home theater and listening to a variety of music and movies to break them in.   Looking for suggestions regarding your favorite tracks/albums to try out on new speakers in the following genres:

  1. - Rock music, 70's/80's
  2. - Jazz, like saxophone heavy primarily instrumental
  3. - Classical, violin or piano
  4. - movies
  5. - all-time favorite, regardless of genre


Thanks in advance for sharing your thoughts.




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Showing 2 responses by blisshifi

+1 Stereo5

On top of that I also use the Ayre album Irrational but Efficacious album. The noise loops for hours even overnight at lower levels and then run the full glide tone track to tune up the system daily. 

@pdreher I have them as digital files looping through my Aurender, but not sure they’re available on streaming. There are a few other noise loop albums on Tidal and Qobuz though.