% breakdown of system costs


I thought it might be interesting to find out how people split the cost of their system. So I ask you to give me a high level split. If I get a lot of responses, I will work out the averages.

To keep things simple I want to ignore all the IT costs, so I am not asking about the costs of storage, NAS drives, networks etc., Nor am I asking about room treatments (I know its important, its just too big a subject to summarize simply).

Also I would like to group systems into a few very broad cost bands. 

To work out your own percentages, use what you actually spent, not list prices or as new prices, nor "what its worth now". Just use what you spent. 

These are the figures for me:

System category: Sub 10K, 10K to 50K, 50K to 100K, over 100K

Streamer & DAC 13%
Turntable, arm, cartridge and phono stage 25%
Amplification 36%
Speakers 22%
Cabling (power, interconnects and speaker cables) 2%
Furniture 2%

Showing 1 response by pmm

Did you search the discussions above? This has been covered many times, up until recently. 

Sounds like your working from a budget, nothing wrong with that.

Generally, 50% on speakers, the rest for electronics. You will get varying opinions on percentages.