Break-in ?

I don't get it. I realize that almost all audio gear requires break-in before things reach their full potential. But having just followed a discussion related to Magico speakers, I heard several people trashing their sound and others defending what are generally regarded as exceptional speakers. Apparently, the defenders claim that Magico speakers in particular need at least 600 hours of break-in prior to which they will sound disappointing. Why is it that component manufacturers dont burn in their products for whatever time is required so that the consumer receives a product in a ready to go state? I'd hate to spend 5 figures or more on a component and have to suffer through break-in wondering if my purchase was a mistake. I think I remember reading somewhere that Classe and/or Bryston burn in their products for 100hrs prior to shipment. Why isn't this standard practice?


Showing 1 response by millercarbon

Not to take sides on Magico. I have no idea whether they are any good or not, and even less idea whether they are good enough to represent good value for money. But I do know a couple things for sure. Besides the obvious, there's guys for whom break-in is word salad because they have no idea what they're talking about. 

One is really good speakers do not necessarily sound really good. The perfect speaker sounds like nothing at all. It sounds like whatever signal goes into it. That's the odds-on favorite, that Magico are indeed good speakers. People are hearing things they never knew was there. Are none to happy with it. And being normal human beings find it easier to shoot the messenger than deal with the message.

There's a lot of that going around. Could almost call it epidemic.

But any time I hear needs a thousand hours to sound good, my gut instinct is, because its crap. What that really means is you need a thousand hours to come to terms with the fact you got bought some crap. Cognitive dissonance takes over, and since the one thing you know for sure is you are an infallible genius incapable of such an enormous blunder then sure enough, thousand hours or so later, gee now all of a sudden its starting to sound good.


If it was me I'd give it an hour, maybe try again tomorrow, then admit defeat and move on. But that's me. The guy with the audiophile nirvana system.