brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good

I have got myself in this outlet cover mess recently and decided why not try a solid mid sized brass cover the home depot sells for $4.99. There was a sticker on it that read pegasus. Why not brass. Is not brass good for resanance.

I am in the process of this and will keep posted on results.

Showing 13 responses by freemand

I think your on to something audiofeil or maybe on something!!! I won the auction.

Since I am this knee deep in madness I need to finish.
You guys may think I'm nuts, But I bid on the tru tone covers so I will be able to see how the brass holds up.

Keep you posted, though my guess no one will care.
I only spent a webit of time when I replaced it, but what I did here was nice. I will come back with a more clear result which I may do tonight. A lower noise floor is what I remember.

I have also a steel 51 cent cover that I will use also in the comparison.

I do have to say is it did make a change.

The brass outlet is all brass. I put a magnet to it and there was nothing. Nice thing about the polished brass is it sure looks cool.
To finish the rest of your question jea48 they are the home depot blue plastic outlet box. I have a watt gate 381 as my main two outlets. I Have a full home theater outfit so I but the brass covers on several of them. The other outlets are acme silver plated and a ps audio.

I did have the cheap bendable I guess plastic kind on there before.
I did the comparison tonight. It was intersting and anyone who says covers don't make a dif. probably have ears that can not hear the differences.

I compared my brass outlet, pass and seymore plastic, and a 51 cent magnetic steel from home depot. I used the same center screw and tightness for all plates.

Well, this was no contest and here are my findings

The pass and seymore seem to lack in the focus. There seem to be a loss of a little life.

The 51 cent magnetic steel seem to lack slightly in the pace and rhythem. What I did not like about it is it seem to add a sense of roughness or unnatural sound.

The brass outlet was a really sweet deal. The first thing I liked was its good pace and rythem. It was very crisp. It had a better sense of resolution to it and life and the focus was the best yet.
I then thought, why not add a second brass outlet on top of the other one to add more brass bulk for better resonance. Boy, was I wrong! Did the pace and rhythem take a big hit.

I also then messed with the position of the center screw. Having it really tight was like taking the air out of the music. Having it really loose (sticking out slightly) seem to have a bit loss in the focus. Having it tighted just by hand so it is just snug proved to be the winner.

Call me a geek...I already do!!!
I will have to check on the covers that read unbreakable. I was going to go around my house and see if I have anything different. I was not nuts about the plastic pass and seymore, but like you said it was acceptable. I could not deal with the magnetic steel one however

Try the brass next time your at the Depot
Yes, the covers that sit over the ac outlet.

My guess when I tightened the screw very tight it had something to do with the outlet and cover extreamly tight up against the wall, thus all the vibrations are much more able to effect and conduct through to the outlet. When its loose the vibrations are not able to conduct from the wall to the outlet as easily. Just a guess???? We do know that ac has a lot to do with our systems so I am not surprised

When the screw was really tight is when it made it much worse.

Having it real loose was another thing. It is close or maybe upon further review (copyright...NFL) it is not much different. I do know that having it really tight to just snug is a noticable difference.
You sparked a thought in my mind.

You have mentioned about the drum head effect analogy. Being a drummer I know how significantly the drum sound changes by tightning and loosening the drum head. I am no scientist but I have an open mind cause theres so much I don't know. Out of everything there is to know I don't know even a half of a percent. In fact, theres probably no one on this planet that knows 1 percent of everything there is to know. So it's not fair for me to say that this can or can't make a difference....cause just don't know enough to say.

That being said, I am going to go back and trust my ears...thats all I can do!!!
In my system this 5 dollar cover has done more then what a 200 dollar shakti stone has done in my system. Does that mean shakti is no good? No, but IN MY SYSTEM a 5 dollar brass cover was a huge value. People can doubt it, and it would not matter if they do, cause in the end I enjoy my system more and it only cost 5 bucks!!! Good times....

People think we are nuts for putting cones or maple slabs under or components and say that cant change the sound. Anyone who has done it knows how important it is. There will always be naysayers, but if it works in one mans system then who is anyone to say it don't. They can say its a waste of time and just listen, thats fine.

Your right onhwy61, this sounds totally nutty to the normal person and even the audio lover, and I would not be necesarily telling anyone outside the audio world and maybe even in the audio world.....!!!
The funny thing is unless you try it its hard to say anything about it...though it would seem logical.

The best thing is is my system is sonically more natural and it cost me 5 bucks only.

I guess thats what I learned!

Ellery911, please get me the info on the $400 sheetrock, I may be in and also, have you tried various covers?

Who knows why sonics are so acceptable to small changes. I thought it was a joke and that outlets can't do anything.
I am no scientific wizard, but theres seems to be some logic with what you said.

I think the RFI has at least a part in this. One reason I say this is when I have installed stillpoints ERS in the wall behind the outlets I have had great results. Within the same wall studs I have 5 outlets. Two in the home theater side and three on the other side oposite in the walk in closet which houses all the components. Theres a lot going on within that one wall cavity which may be why I used quite a few sheets of ERS. I know living only 15 miles from all the radio towers in the city suburbs don't help.

Like I said before, I will keep trusting in my ears and enjoying the home theater!
Meagan02, I started this thread long ago forgot about this zesty topic.

I thought too about perhaps maple.
Hay socoaste, lets get mapleshade to make that maple screw....the have the best of the best amish!