Brand new VPI Prime 21 or used Clearaudio Innovation compact

Newbie to vinyl here but want to buy last or near last turntable first. Which would you experts prefer if you were in my shoes: brand new unit or used higher original priced unit?  My first cartridge would be in the 700 to 1000.00 range to test out.  Will upgrade to pricier ones in future. Look fwd to ur responses.

Will be running this through:
Audio Research PH7
Audio Research Ref 5SE
Pass Labs XA200 monoblocks

Upscale Audio sells a special 24V version with the correct plug for Clearaudio tables (including Innovation series), though unfortunately at a healthy +$100 upcharge. That's where I got mine. I think I lost my original wall-wart already; that thing was a joke on such an expensive table. 
I have VPI Prime 21, their tonearm design is a joke,  it won’t allow to take heavier cartridge such as Benz LPS, there is no suitable counterweight or VPI does not recommend to change heavier counterweight, it is simple a joke in design and engineering 
Hey all Mat from VPI here!

@ikev20 it will take heavier, we are in the process of making them.  But it sounds like you had some miscommunication with someone on my team or potentially with the seller.  Just means I need to hop on them with some more training :) Totally get your frustration/post if thinking that you can't actually get another weight. 

That being said, for the OP, of course I'm bias and would want you to purchase the VPI :p ... but my post is more about the caution of buying used.  Whatever the brand (and I say this about used VPI tables as well) make sure the pictures and functionality of the the used table are on par with your expectation.

We have had moments where someone tried to save by getting used and they end up spending more in getting replacement parts.  This just came up because this morning my team talked to a customer who got a used Scoutmaster and besides missing the belt, being out of alignment, and oh yeah... THE WHOLE FREAKEN MOTOR!  Of course that is on the buyer for missing that kind of important detail, but still who is expecting to deal with that nonsense when getting their table to start spinning.

Anyway, to the OP which ever table you go with make sure it is the one you want, and will be happy with and can be supported and ideally work out of the box.  Good luck in your decisions process and happy listening!

Hi Mat,
thanks for clarifying and getting back to me, I am very unsatisfied with the support I have received so far without any suggestions or direction.

I purchased a brand new VPI Prime 21 Turntable around 3 months ago and contacted VPI customer support with legit question and basic need in Turntable setup

My original question as below:

”Dear VPI,I have VPI Prime 21 and Benz Micro LP-S cartridge which is 16.4g
I contacted VPI distributor in Autralia to buy new counter weight and got 200g as per advice, but they are too heavy. Can u advise suitable counter weight for benz lp-2 which is 16.4g?Thanks,Kevin”

below is response,
“You do not need a drop counterweight on Gimbal tonearms. We would suggest not having one as if you put too much weight on the bearings it could break the arm.”

“The counterweights are sold as add ons to Unipivot arms. They aren’t suggested for Gimbal arms because they can put too much weight on the bearings, causing them to break.

So I am really lost and assumed VPI Prime 21 has limited design without any warning on cartridge weight support anywhere, I am sure Benz Micro LPS is quite common and popular cartridge
@ikev20, VPI has its own forum.  VPI staff use to answer posts but rarely visit their own forum anymore, however, there are quite a few very knowledgeable members who can help.  A few members know more about VPI tables than the VPI staff who are constantly turning over.