Brag About Your Vinyl Collection

There are a couple of posts for listing your favorite albums, but what about those albums that you've collected simply for value or rarity? Here is your chance to tell about some of the rare and valuable records in your collection, where you found them, how you store/display them, etc.

Showing 3 responses by dogberry

The Faust Tapes, sold in 1973 for 49p. My wife bought it, and in teenage fashion, she cut out all the articles she could find about Virgin's marketing gimmick and taped them to the inner sleeve.

Though I think my most expensive buy was Magna Carta's first, self-titled album for for €78. A wonderful early folk rock delight.

It's all here:

And here's what she did to the original inner sleeve:

If you enlarge that you might be able to read the articles. Musically, it's not quite my cup of tea, but certainly listenable.

Yes, when I started buying it was £2.50 for an LP, and the same for a bottle of Scotch (though I was not old enough to waste my money on that then).