Bozak concert grand speakers

 What do I do with my deceased fathers bozak concert grands  that have not been moved since 1972 when they were purchased?  They are in Wilmington Delaware.  Last used circa 2010.  Their furniture is like new.
It was a popular tweak back in the day, to fill up bags of sand and put them inside some speaker cabinets for additional mass and rigidity. And yes, I remember a few manufacturers having " bins " as part of the design for adding sand / lead shot ( not Bozak ). Enjoy ! MrD.
There are also four small speakers at the ceiling on four corners of the music room.  He has McIntosh amps and preamps too.  Oh what to do!!

with the MAC gear, many many will be interested 
at least call Andy at Audio Classics to get some ideas on value before you give this treasure away
ebay is always an option but use caution 

audio classics is in essentially same town as McIntosh of old and the Factory, a long time Mac dealer
can also provide correct shipping boxes

while I am a long term client, I have no financial dog in this fight

unless you have an MC240 or two....
then send me a PM