boulder and d'agostino

reached out to boulder who referred me to a dealer
called dealer told them my 2060 amp wanted a 2110 preamp to replace my arc ref 5
suggested a dagostino preamp ///??
just trying to understand that line of thinking have previously had krell gear and moved on
in fact had boulder 1000 series years ago and previous dealer (when i upgraded)suggested krell which i bought and had later had numerous service issues with -- but it was sonically great --and now I have went back to boulder/arc but want to try all solid state.  any ideas why that(dagostino) would be recommended over boulder 2110 for a 2060 match from a dealer who sells both>? not trying to start a debate but was a bit puzzled. TIA


Showing 1 response by mike_in_nc

dealers have all kinds of reasons for recommendations
in your price range, they should give you a home audition of eitherthat way, you can decide for yourself