Bose 901

Hi folks, what is your opinion about the Bose 901? Can it competes with the high end speakers which are frequently mentioned here, like Wilson, Thiel, Revel, B&W, etc.? Please try to be objective and try not to be driven by some prejudice towards the marque.

Showing 2 responses by sogood51

I owned a pair back in the 70's...loved the "wall of sound" and was very impressed that all that sound came from those two little speakers.

I had them matched with Sansui AU-717 Int. amp and TU-717 tuner along with a Thorens turntable.

I moved from the Bose to Dahlquist DQ-10's and it was a pretty big upgrade in sound quality although the Sansui amp could not cut the mustard with the DQ-10's.

So here is your answer I guess:

The Bose 901's can't even compete with the long gone moves on, I would to if I were you.

Dazzdax, My 901 three series were very musical, their rolled-off top end made early cd's sound much better than they were. They had fair-good bass response and the huge wall of sound was a plus for the types of music I enjoyed in those days...Rock and roll!

Life was one big party and the 901's were great party speakers IMO. The only speakers I've owned (and still do own) that were better party speakers...My 9 year old VMPS Supertowers!
